Friday, November 26, 2010

you never know what you're gonna get...

suprise gift to someone on a special day....
will brighten-up 2 souls today....

you really never know what you're gonna get it....
interested... call me. you name it, we make it.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Life was like a box of chocolates

that what forrest gump said... well i have boxes of chocolate that can be as memorable as the movie....

35 pcs/box

4 pcs/box

2 pcs/box

Available in box of 35pcs, 18pcs, 12pcs, 4pcs & 2pcs /box and with different design. Basic, Hard-cover & Book-case. Call me if you are never know what you're gonna get it.....

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Colored & layered

Actually from this week the school holiday start. So the kids cuti then the mom also cotilah. Nothing much to do at home so to kill the time make some choc for the kids and play with few variation of color, alphabet and layer. The result hmmm not bad at all.
for alyssa nur sara, lot of love from mom

Black & white

Pink & black

Simply Pink, Black & White

For those who are interested call me ya... you name it we make it.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Praline Chocolate

Apa itu praline chocolate ? I pun tak tau. Ikut jelah trend. Here are few design and sample of my so call praline coklat. But this one is the basic one which suitable for gift kahwin ke, buat cukur jambul anak ke.

Few choices available for the size and packing type. Bentuk and color coklat bergantung pada pilihan dan konsep customer. I have other design of packing, shape & color combination which i will post in future entry.

First booking

To my suprise i got my first booking from a friend yang kebetulan tengok coklat yg my kids tgh makan and asked me for few hundreds stick of the lolipop for her wedding. Wow.. not bad for a start.

Dalam promo mcm org kampung at my residential area ni dapat gak ler few small scale order from friends here for hantaran, kindergarden event and even for eid al adha celebration. Nampaknya macam boleh buat cari makan juga hobby masa terluang ni. Dulu masa hobby buat kek x nampak pun potensi business macam ni. Well... welcome to the world of chocolate...


Assalamualaikum. My name is Norin. Some people call me No-in (Noin). But my husband simply call me N. Short and simple. Like it. I'm mother of 4 lovely kids (macam dalam gambar profile i ni..). I move to Kuantan 3 years back followed my husband working at this side of the country. Since then to fill-up my time i have taken few new hobbies... sewing for the kids, baking cake - chocolate cake, double layer, tripple layer, dam cake, pelangi kek, asam kek, cheese cake ( my husband favourite - that why dia gemuk..) all sort of cake but not yet with the fondant one and my latest one is simply chocolate. Kids like it, hubby love it and me of course will kill for it (yer ker... poyo le lu). The sentimental elements, romantic and special texture to your taste bud makes it very special. Learn few recipes, methods and threat from few friends with some investment in time and passion (which i have a lot) and the result... i also suprise myself. Well this blog will be my catatan perjalanan in this journey of homemade chocolate (and to promote myself jugak laa...). Mana tau bole jadi suri-cyber usahawati coklat. And as my hubby simply said .... Schokolate.... (chocolate in deutch..)......
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