Monday, April 11, 2011


Got this order from an organization for a lunch function. 40 boxes of 12 cavity chocolate. It was corporate gift for guests who attended the function. What make this order extra special because the list of guests are from VVIP. Cuak jugak ni. Yelah lah kan the guest bukan calang-clang puye line. But thinking from different perspective, they are all just human, like us. They got 2 eyes, 2 hands, 2 legs, they eat, sleep, rest, laugh etc. They are no different from us, it just that maybe they have higher social status. Tapikan the social status also something that we as a human create/classified. So end of it, we are the hamba of our own creation la kan...

Enough with all the philosophy things, as long as they like my chocolate that good enough. Next time bolelah order lagi ye.

As I always said, that we can do all your need. You name it we make it.
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