Saturday, November 19, 2011

Berdua -duaan boleh.

Last sunday, we had our breakfast at Aliff Restoran near Jln Mahkota Kuantan. As usual with our big rombongan cik kiah ( 6 org wooo...) masuk ler dlm restoran tu and find center table inside the restoran. Kita org pun sibuk ler melayan kerenah bebudak ni memacam busy busy gitu with all different menu tu order, nursara with the puttu mayam, amir with the tosaai, nurzara with the roti canai and off-course nuryara with do not know what to eat. while busying dok sarap and bebudak ni makan, we were observed by a middle age couple with interest and sambil tersenyum senyum. and than another middle age couple enter and sat besides us. happened to be kitaorg start bersembang...
both of the couple, anak2 dah besar besar dah and no more wants to follow their parent keluar.. so berdating la dia org berdua dan seronok tgk kita org dengan bebudak kecik ni...
Tulah la kan cycle nya..
dpt order ni from a couple for their first year anniversary... berdua..
than remind us yg dah 10th year anniversary... beramai
and than kalau panjang umur masa nak sambut 20 yr anniversary sure balik berdua-duaan...
mcm couple yg kita org jumpa tu...
anak dah besar besar panjang dengan haluan memasing and us will be left alone...
alamak sedih nya...
ni yg nak kena suruh anak dok ngan mak bapak ni...

Monday, November 7, 2011

rezeki turun dari langit...

I have nothing to tell you all except that i'm pregnant. currently in my 27 weeks of my pregnancy and expect to go for another at least 11 weeks more. and i pray that nothing will happen and God will that i'll savely delivered the baby. i strongly believe and have faith that anak itu rezeki and every anak yang dilahirkan ada rezekinya masing masing. when i was pregnant with my first nur sara my husband got a better opportunity in bahrain. she was born there and we starting to build-up our small family there. and then two years later (off-couse with a strict planning & action laa...) over there we got our second amir ridzan. we when there with 2 1/2 persons and coming back to malaysia with 4 persons. an fortunate enough we got 'accident' the next 2 cycle and got our third nurzara and my husband also good opportunity working with giant japanese automotive company here in malaysia. and then 'accident' happened again and my husband got other job with his current company and that why we move from kl to here kuantan..and now i pregnant again ( but this time not accident laa.. tak juga planning....just follow the flowww...).. is it the sign that my husband will change his job again..
who knows...
God will insya-Allah...
inilah that i always said.. rezeki anak-anak... but then it happened to me & my family. masa-masa mengandung ni rezeki senang turun dari langit.. and dalam2 mengandung ni gak la yang dapat order which quite big... well my be this is also sebahagian rezeki anak dalam perut ni...

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